

题目:Terms of Trade Gains from Task Offshoring and Complementarity between      Tasks
报告人:李志远 副教授
主持人:杨高举 副教授
Terms of Trade Gains from Task Offshoring and Complementarity between Tasks
Zhiyuan Li 
Abstract: In this paper, I show that there are terms of trade effects associated with task offshoring. The offshoring source country may enjoy terms of trade gains associated with offshoring when the elasticity of substitution between tasks is low. These gains may stem from technology transfer from the source to the destination country or from the productivity improvement in the offshoring destination. Importantly, the offshoring destination country may suffer a total welfare loss due to the terms of trade effects. I illustrate that the source country will enjoy larger terms of trade gains when the elasticity of substitution between tasks is smaller and when the comparative advantage schedule has a steeper slope at the cutoff task.
JEL: F12, F15, F61.
Keywords: terms of Trade Gain, Offshoring, Elasticity of Substitution
李志远,美国加州大学戴维斯分校经济学博士,复旦大学经济学院副教授。主要致力于国际贸易理论与实证、国际贸易政策等领域的研究。在国际国内顶尖学术期刊如REstat,JIE,JEBO,《经济研究》与《管理世界》等发表多篇论文。入选上海市“浦江人才计划”、获“张培刚发展经济学优秀成果奖”、国际贸易实证研究会议(EIIT)最佳论文奖等。研究成果在国际贸易和发展经济学领域产生重要影响,多篇研究论文得到美国经济研究局(NBER)的NBER REPORTER推介;研究成果入选“经济学与商学”全球前1% ESI高引论文。